22/12/2002 New painting in Rimbaud's Album: a portrait of Arthur Rimbaud by Jean-Michel Lengrand.
Courtesy of Jay Dillon / Rare Books & Manuscripts. For sale.
16/11/2002 I just finished to relook all the site. no more frames, but also no more music. I changed the forum, full of new functions including Rimbaud's avatars. I also added "Litany of Woes" lyrics, by Elijah's Mantle, and a new poem in Illuminations' section: Genie. You can let your comments about the changes in the guestbook or in the forum. Thanks.
27/10/2002 I added new songs about Rimbaud and his poetry. "Des lunes particulières" (Particular Moons) by Philippe
Bruguière and "Portals of Opium" by Elijah's Mantle.
Thanks a lot to Richard for the transcript and the translation. Soon to come: "Litany of Woes" by Elijah's Mantle.
17/09/2002 Photos of the first part of Rimbaud's posters in Marseilles are online. You will see the port, but also the hospital where Rimbaud died of a generalized cancer on november 10, 1891 at 37. The posters have been realized by the pupils of Arthur Rimbaud's college in Marseilles, and they are after a new screenprinting by Ernest Pignon-Ernest. The photographer is Bernard Franchi. He is also the owner of the motorcycle and he plans to go to Aden next year with a friend for the second part of the operation with 13 other posters. See Rimbaud's album for further details.
11/09/2002 Rimbaud's links and songs pages have been updated.
A special thought to all American visitors.
01/05/2002 A new gallery of paintings in Rimbaud album, the one of Michael Marisi. You can also admire a new screenprinting by Ernest Pignon-Ernest, after the second photo of Arthur Rimbaud by Carjat, stuck in Marseilles, for the same exhibition mentioned below.
26/04/2002 You can actually see an exhibition of works realized by pupils of the college Arthur Rimbaud in Marseilles around Arthur Rimbaud in Rimbaud's album (after Ernest Pignon Ernest's screenprinting). 13 of them should be stuck in Marseilles summer 2002 and 13 other ones in Aden beginning of 2003. This educational, cultural and competitive project is an initiative of the CMPN (Motorcyclist Club of National Police).
01/04/2002 New explanation by Michel Carrandie added to "Vowels" (In French only).
I finally moved the site to Infomaniak, with my domain's name. Of course, it is not for free, but at least, we will have no more ads and no more problems (I hope so!).
03/03/2002: A new book to be published about Rimbaud this month: "Aphinar" by Gilbert Coustaury (in French). An essay which underlines Rimbaud's always current insubordination in front of the diktats of society and which rereads the keywords of his work. To read more...
01/03/2002 Multimania is changing its system of free hosting, so the site will be temporary closed between 11PM and 7AM GMT on Saturday night (March 2), then from Tuesday, March 5, 11PM to Wednesday March 6 end of the afternoon. The physical address of the site will become http://membres.lycos.fr/mag4/Rimbaud/, but better keep in mind http://www.mag4.net/Rimbaud/ because I'm thinking very seriously about a professional hosting for my domain's name, to get rid of ads. I really apologise for inconvenience.
28/02/2002 Illuminations in French are now complete. Because of problems of copyrights with translation, I can't put online the whole English version.
18/02/2002 An amazing picture, the engraved signature, supposed of Arthur Rimbaud, in the Temple of Luxor, Egypt. I heard about it, but never saw anything until now. no one nowadays could do this without some material help. But at Rimbaud's time, before the temple had been completely excavated, only the top of the pillars emerged from the sand, so it was easier and it explains why the signature appears now at the top of the wall. Rimbaud went to Egypt several times. In november 1878, then Spring 1880, he was in Alexandria before to go to Cyprus (working in a stone quarry then supervising the construction of the governor's residence). Then in August, he embarked for Africa and put in several time along the Red Sea on his way to Aden. Did he find time to visit Luxor? He also went to Cairo for a couple of months in July 1887.
By courtesy of Mary Ann Sullivan. You can visit Egypt and
Luxor on her site.
2 new poems of Rimbaud added (Oliver Bernard's translation): "Sun and Flesh" and "Antique", and one of Verlaine "Resignation" (only in French). I added several paintings to illustrate the poems, and a new painter in Rimbaud's album: Pascal Debruxelles. I also updated the page about Rimbaud in Films and at Theatre, with Rainbow for Rimbaud, and Green.
10/02/2002 The chat room has been changed for an IRC one, at QuickChat. Check the help to learn more about it. You can find me there from time to time, around 7PM (6PM GMT).